Friday, December 7, 2007

One Cockroach Dropping

The Living Library is coming!
I the countdown has begun and now everything is ready: catalog, books, librarians and library.

Meanwhile, to pass the time here is a little 'secrets of the Library ...

The Living Library was born in Denmark in 2000 at the initiative of the NGO Stop the Violence , And since then has toured many cities: Oslo, Lisbon, Budapest and, in Italy, went first in Turin - for Pride 2007 and the Melting Box, the fair equality of opportunity - and then, to arrive at the Modena International Day for Human Rights , here in Bologna.

And 'in fact responding to an incident of racism and the Council of Europe has made it his own, promoting good practice in intercultural dialogue, through raising Europe Campaign All Different All Equal .

There are many possible titles as there are many identity of each one / one of us ... anyone who cares about the dialogue, the surprises, the difference can be a wonderful book to discover.

to be readers, or readers, then it is even easier: just curiosity, the ability to listen and the desire to ask questions, to learn more than what we did not know, to confirm or remove some ideas of where we were / and to reaffirm the pleasure to recognize and enjoy a moment together with personal identity-in-part does not belong to us, or rather to confront people who do not know but with whom we have already much in common!

We are very happy to do all this in Piazza Verdi - location of meetings and exchanges for excellence and diversity, a place of creativity and unexpected: the best of our energies, stories and passions are in place.

See you Monday!

The Living Library

Committee All Different All Equal

Monday, December 10, 2007, Bologna , Piazza Verdi, at 13-18

The Living Library is organized by the Committee All Different All Equal Bologna, in collaboration with Cassero - gay and lesbian center sponsored by the Quarter San Vitale .