I am alive! I was only suffering from acute laziness and boredom, but irretrievable new year, new post!
In 2009 he left leaving me a bit 'of melancholy, a year has been very full of things, new projects, talk and laughter, tears of emotion and other sad, very traditional ceremonies and hen parties but in particular will remember this year:
- 4 marriages happy and sad as a funeral
- acquired a beautiful grandson and three on the way, one male, one female and one nonancorapervenuto: P
- a promise of marriage (not me eh: P) and plans for 2011 in a "white"
- a new house, surrounded by greenery, bright and welcoming
- flushed a journey but excited in my beloved Spain
- but above all ...
Needless to say it was love from the moment when I opened his stilosissima package, since we have not separated. I realized that when turned on, everything changes as a function of the iPhone, developed a new way of thinking iphonedipendente type:

But let the aching notes, the laziness of the above has kept me away from all my creativity to design the highest expression of my artistic talent prosciugatissima was my tiny post Christmas.
The holiday season brought a worrying addiction to sweets, I'm trying to get out slowly, but the withdrawal symptoms are more difficult to manage especially after the old lady's house I was filled with candy and the rest.
Resolutions for the New Year? Certainly lose some 'kilos, take seriously the gym, get out more and update the blog more often, I promise.