Friday, September 18, 2009

Does Drinking Cause Black Poop

TUESDAY September 22
to ore17.30
at the Library PAGES SPORTS, Rome

Presentation of the book DARIO TORROMEO:

"And they called me murderess"

Stanley Ketchel, the largest of the savages of the ring.

And Other Stories

ed.ABSOLUTELY FREE necklace the damned Sports

Dario Torromeo, Roman, born in 1949, has 40 years left to the Corriere dello Sport.Da, followed nine Olympics, a World Cup and was at ringside to witness all the major boxing events oggi.Ha since 1985 and won two Oscars of boxing and a national award Ussi.Ha written three books on boxing ("How to see a boxing match", "Men and fists" with Roberto Fazi, "Twelve Giant" won a prize at the literary CONI). For two years he was a boxing commentator for Stream-Tv.Vive and works in Rome.
It has just become a grandfather.
Stanley Ketchel did not know his last name not art (one or two-elle?) or who were his real father. The boxing has given him more of a certainty was champion of the world average, has been nicknamed the 'Murderess', was almost under the maximum. For some it was even the best average weight of all time. Life, in addition to the uncertainties, has thrown in his face many disappointments, too much pain, a violent death at the age of 24. Stanley has managed to not be successful even after death. For the legacy his brother killed his alleged father. This book then tells a story of violence and extreme suffering. How often are those who win the ring for a dignity that life is not able to provide. Stanley is a of the many boxers who have paid for everything. It was not a murderess, but not even a good one, was neither victim nor offender. And only boxing has been able to do this time of Ketchel esprimere.Dai in boxing today is much improved: the matches are not infinite, the rules are precise, is no longer possible for an athlete to fight against another in the weight above it. It was short, 'humanized'.
The life of every day, but for guys like Stanley has been fierce.
(Sergio Rizzo, deputy director of Corriere dello Sport - Stadio)


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