Sunday, February 6, 2011

2011 Gay Maryland Cruise Spots

Purple, Black & White Table

There are several ways to combine materials and between their different colors. All is selected according to the menu and atmosphere that is to suggest that you create.

For an informal dinner -chic I preferred the black & white planning to add that object that will customize my table!

do not think it needed the tablecloth, so I opted for black mats woven into strips, striped cloth napkins and matching black & white glasses of water -chosen wine from two services.

A gem on the table is the teaspoon multifuction Moscardino , installed in place of dessert cutlery , because the menu includes a dessert spoon.
The bread-muffin , preparation and varying according to the recipe, consisting of various savory muffins, dusted with flour to make them pleasing to the eye.

As of small sculptures, I have collected in a bowl covered with a towel wine-colored Ikea, which combines beautifully to the table and colors selected.


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