Sunday, February 20, 2011

Diapers At 4 Years Old

Astronaut Lunch: Claude Nicollier

You know, most of Children have a deep hatred of the vegetables and all foods that are said to make good on their growth!
No matter how crafty and intelligent, sometimes small enough tricks and traps to encourage them to taste the food enemies!

Alessi egg cup CICO

The baby of our friends had to eat first, then I experienced a way to lay his place customizable tables with some nice design elements (Alessi, Guzzini)

In addition to the equipment, the arrangement of his room had a role to convince him to try everything that was proposed ... . Edward would play to make the ' astronaut!


1 egg (cooked boiled)
tomatoes datterini
top of a cauliflower
a package of crackers
a ricotta
a mandarin

first thought : never will not touch anything!
but ...

I took a plastic rectangular board and I wrapped with aluminum foil making it the dish-cloth, where I placed all of his lunch.

chopped tomatoes in half, formed the "K" and the bar of the exclamation point, the ricotta cheese placed in front of the "K" would represent the "O" ... while the dot the exclamation mark was replaced by locking line cauliflower ...

The writing OK! was ready ..

The egg was soft-boiled egg served in yellow Alessi, a very nice man with salt castor and spoon in hand as I wanted to cap resting on the cap on ways ricotta and Swiss flag in honor of ' astronaut Claude Nicollier.

Strategy mangiafrutta :

Mandarin I wrapped with aluminum foil to form a candy! ... Obviously it will be called sweet 'astronaut!

be tested ..!

details archcook :

September reggibicchieri design Ruzza Angels - Guzzini

egg CICO - Alessi

To recall the color of the flag, the plastic cup holder is supported by Red Guzzini design ..


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